Monday 15 November 2010

Game Art Design Year 2 - Quick sketches

Heres a few quick designs I did, I just felt like doing a few drawings with no aim in mind to experiment and see if I could gain any direction from my drawings. I liked this method as I came up with some intereing drawings and ideas which I could take further, towards this point I did not research at all so did not have anything in mind. One thing I definatly found out is that alot of my drawings I produced were based around shapes similar to robots, which is a potential area I could develop into as robots are very poular characters and can be combined with different genres for example steam punk, similar to the big daddy of Bioshock, and even combine different abilities such as a robot that fires ice or lightning, which I like the idea of.

Top left - Quite like this design as its made out of simple shapes and I would imagine be easier to construct on Maya which is something I have to think about,Story behind this design is its quite a old abandoned robot, which purpose is to go around fixing other broken robots which are in combat, only issue I have is it reminds me too much of Bender from Futurama but the oringinal concept I like.

Top Middle - Not as keen on this concept, to be honest im not actually sure what it is, I tried to draw some kind of human creature like with wings but I dont like the idea at all and I struggled to draw what I imagined in my head so I think I'll stay away from this idea.

Top Right - Just thought about going crazy about this design, I just thought about one of my favorie animals which is a Penguine and decided to turn him into a robot, and I gave him video game controllers as hands where he can use a variety of his special abilities to those im not yet sure on, Overall I like the idea and could explore this with a variety of different animals.

Bottom Left - This design is a crab like huminoid, I turned him into a very powerful like creature with very large pinsars, I also porvided him with a jetpack and parachute for the quick get away. Really like the concept though could image be a challenge modeling on maya, hence why I might have to simplify the model though is definatly a idea I may consider.

Bottom Middle - This is my favorite concept so far, it reminds me of somthing though as to which Im not sure, I really like the organic smooth feel to the character and should be easier than most of my other designs to model in Maya, Idea for this design is its a combat robot that is controlled by an animal, as to which Im not sure about, cause im going for a kind of younger audience handrawn feel with my characters, and through its arms it can fire a variety of substances as to which im not decided, on, though I definatly like this concept

Bottom Right - Not too keen on this idea, I just though about putting a kind of sheet over his head, but it turned out looking too much like the ghosts of pacman for my liking, I think ill avoid this idea.

Left - The idea behind this design is its an ancient ninja warrior that has been revived be accident, and lives in the ruins, quite like the concept and the story behind it, with it been ancient it has mangled skin and not in the best condition but is very deadly and near impossible to assinate.

Middle - Not too keen on the illustation at all but that can be modified. I like the idea behind the character though, its an evil robot that wants to take over the word basically, its main atributes it has a very sharp spinning blade in its mouth which can be used to terrible destruction, and is also eqipeed with loads of rockets which can shott from a variety of places, meaning its very hard to survive its deadly attack. If I went with this concept I'd have to clean up the charcater but the idea is there.

Right - For this design I came up with a futuristic like Cowboy.similar to my previos drawing I really like the idea but the illustartion could be improved, not sure as to the story behind the character at the moment though. The character would have similar attributes.

Overall I beleiebe I came up with some good ideas and storylines to go with the characters, though I think my best is to go with a robot influenced design as thinking ahead it would be easier to modify in maya and when it came to animating the walk cycle it wouldnt have to be as realistic as say a human walk, therefor would be easier hopefully.

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