Monday 8 November 2010

Digital Film Year 2 - Further Development Shot 2

This is my development so far for the second shot,I quite like the imagery used, but the timing is bet off as firstly I think the eyes would be better turning red when the Th gun shots, however then with the eyes turning red and thier been blood splatters the eyes wont be as effective so I think the best bet is to have then turn red when the name apears, which at the moment the timing is slighly off. I also think there should be an extra word added next to "Dave Harris" as it geves no indication as to what or who "Dave Harris" is so think I should add a word such as starring. Im also gonna develop the idea of having the gun come together from different places as that would look good I belive, and them maybe when the guns complete have the eyes become red which could work well, So theres alot of experimentation still to be done with the timing and aesthetics of the shot. But overal I really like the development, and the eyes turning red is a really good effect and works well the the black syloette, and the blood splatters are effective, though mide reduce one as it could get a little too crowded.

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