Monday 8 November 2010

Digital Film Year 2 - Development Shot 8

This is the final scene in where the title of the film will be shown and I also want to include a man been shot which I didnt include in the storyline however I'm adding it on as I believe it will improve the title sequence.

Heres kind of an experiment I did with text, for this I just wrote "100 Bullets" to a similar style as to Saul Bass typography on black card then cut them out and glued them ont white paper then scraped some red chalk onto it to give the effect of blood splatter. I actually Im pleased with they trypography results and believe this is a potential rout to head down as it gives the sense of handrawn text which is apropiate for the styke and feel im looking for as obviously graphic novels are hand drawn so its potential typograph I could include.

Heres a Quick image I drew on black card, taking influence from reasearch I gathered into creating an interesting image. I really like this image as creates a feel of the character been shot and blood been splattered out and believe it would work well in the final scene as the gun shoots him. I plan though to take an image from the novel as to get a better shape and continue the feel of taking images from the novel to keep consistant.

Heres a more developed image which I continued with the same style as previously. I found the image in the novel and used it as it was almost identical to which I have just created however looks more human figure like and the idea for further development is t have a blood splatter with in the image which would create a great effect.

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