Thursday 4 November 2010

Digital Film Year 2 - Development Shot 2

I wanted the second shot to be a scene inwhich I wanted to include a shot of the guy holding a breifcase before handing it over to the girl which will be shown in the 3rd shot. I really liked this image I found in the novel as it showed the guy holding a briefcase, but what I really liked was you couldnt see his face, which added a sense of mystery and though of a good idea in which to include a shadow of the guys face oposite and have it enlarged which could become a good effect.

Heres a couple of images I found on the front and back cover of the novel which I really like however my worry is a dont want to copy them completly as I want to creat images that are my own but I really like the style and is the kind of feel i am ainming for within this shot. what I really like is the kind of shadow effect which are used, especially the use of straight lines which are used really well. I also like the way the agent is coming through the door which is really interesting . I really like the effect of the eyes aswell which could work well but not orange as im aiming for a 3 colour effect,

Heres a quick mockup I did By drawing the image on black card and cutting around it then placing it on white paper, I then drew in some Shadow lines, and then scanned it on to photoshop where I got the paint bucket tool inwhich to create a more bold colour and create more contrast between the black and white. I really like the image and puts great emphasis on the briefcase however Im not too keen of the placing off the shadow lines as it would work better with the feet included, however im happy with the progress and believe the idea will work really well.

Heres another image I really liked while browsing through the book in which I planned to experiment with and create a similar image to the one I previously did. However my one worry with this image is I was aiming to put emphasis on the briefcase however this image dosent require what I was looking for howvere I thought id develop this image further to see what the results where.

What I did here instead of using black and white card to create a cut out syloette feel like I did last time. this time I was told there was an easier way into gettting similar results in which I went on illustrator and drew around the outline with the pen tool and added in some longer shadow lines. Then once I finished the outline I played around with the image by rotating, resizing and playing around with colours for example whether or not to have the Background white or black and the man and shadows the contrasting colour. I played around until I got a result I was happy with.

Here is the result I came up with which Im really pleased about, what I really like about this image is The placing of the image and the way that the white is includes gives the feel of him walking through the door, which was done not intentially but looks greall good, also im really happy with the placing of the shadow lines and believe I could work better with the text for example having the text slighly above the lines which could work well. Unfotunatly I had to comprimise as this image dosent put much emphasis on the briefecase as I had planned it too, however I believe it is a better image than previous, and also gives a good effect of him walking through the door and will work well with the next shot of the girl been given the briefcase. I also really like the placement of the text which I have experimented with.

Potential ideas inwhich I could develop the shot further are I could animate the shadow lines which could work well and have them coming off the figure. Another idea I thought off which could look really good is to have a few blood splatters to the figure and have blood run down the shadow lines which could be a really interesting effect.

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