Monday 15 November 2010

Game Art Design Year 2 - Research

As we have to model the character and to be honest Maya is not a strong area of mine, I have a feel that alot of the characters I designed previously would be too advanced for me to create on Maya thats why It would be advised for me to stick to more simplar shapes, thats why Ive been looking at a robot / futaristic chracter as as you can see from the images, alot of the shapes of organic and simplified which would allow easier construction in maya and thes designs fit the crieria im heading down.

Really like this design, and as you can tell its conrtucted by using very simple shapes which should make live alot easier on maya, for example the head is a square and the body is a stretched oval shape,I also think that the younger audience can relate to a character such as this as through the use of simple shapes and not too much detail. However I believe the character would look great as a modelled character aswell. The concept art is also very interesting and looks great with the choice of colours they've used as they've gone for a kind of cardboarad cut out look which looks really impressive and I believe would relate to my target audience well.

This is concept art from the game machinarium which I have focused on before on a previous project, whilst this is a little bit more complex than the previous robot and would be a lot harder to construct, I really like the overal design and uses simple shapes aswell but in a more advanced way as it includes more joints. I reallty love the concept art whilst its not something im aiming for as its a little too sinister and not the feel I want for my character it certainly stands out and is beautifully toned and painted.

Heres one of my favorite peices of concept art I found whilst researching, I love the design of the robot and the shapes used, Im definalty looking at something with a similar feel and charisma to this however I dont want to copy into it too much. i really like th feel of the concept art and would apeal to my target audeience very well.

Heres a good website I found with plenty of more designs which I can take influence by.

While searching on the web I came across this very interesting blog of a whole variety of very interesting characters based around the word freak. What I really like about these characters is the way they have been combined with every day items for example such as A mobile phone and a vending machine. How this can influence my designs potentially is im wanting my robot to stand out and be fun so maybe I could combine my design, with for example a every item such as calculator maybe, or another animal mabe like the penguin I drew previously.

The Bog can be found here

1 comment:

  1. Time to get on with your contextual studies stream. As you are looking at types of animation that are more 2D, you could argue that one reason for doing this is to avoid the 'uncanny valley'. See my post on this. Then put something in my essay comments box about your ideas for an essay.
